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Equity Grant Fund

The Equity Grant Fund enables eligible FPCs to receive a grant equivalent in amount to the equity contribution of their shareholder members in the FPC, thus enhancing the overall capital base of the FPC. The Scheme shall address nascent and emerging FPCs, which have paid up capital not exceeding Rs. 30 lakh as on the date of application. The Equity Grant shall be sanctioned to eligible FPCs as follows:

  1. Equity Grant shall be a cash infusion equivalent to the amount of shareholder equity in the FPC subject to a cap of Rs. 10 lakh per FPC.
  2. Equity Grant sanctioned shall be directly transferred to the bank account of the FPC.
  3. The FPC shall, within 45 days of the receipt of the Equity Grant, issue additional shares to its shareholder members, equivalent in value to the amount of the Grant received by it, provided that the maximum grant per category of shareholder is as follows:

a). Individual Shareholder – Rs. 1000.00

b). Group of Individual Shareholders (e.g. SHG, Farmer Interest Group, Joint Liability Groups of Farmers) – Number of Members multiplied by Rs. 1,000.00, subject to a maximum of Rs. 20,000.00

c). Institutional Shareholders (Farmer Producer Companies) – Rs. 1, 00,000.00

4. The criteria for calculation of Equity Grant (rounded off to the Share Unit Value (subject to point 3 to each shareholder member of the FPC (as per authenticated copy of the Shareholders Register maintained by the Producers Company as per the applicable provisions of the relevant Act) is as follows:

a). Allocation of shares shall be on matching/ pro-rata basis of the shareholders’ current shareholding, subject to the maximum specified above and ensuring that each shareholder member receives minimum one equity share.

b). If the Grant sanctioned to the FPC is not sufficient to ensure a minimum one share to all its shareholder members, allocation of grant shall be based on the shareholders’ current landholding, starting with shareholder with the least land holding / the smallest producer in case of allied activities/ or by transparent draw of lots where such identification is not possible.

5. The FPC shall be allowed to draw the Equity Grant in a maximum of two tranches (within a period of 2 years of the first application) subject to the cap of Rs 10.00 lakh per FPC, provided and to the extent that it is able to raise additional Member Equity to qualify for an additional matching grant within the overall ceiling of Rs. 10.00 lakh. The request for the second tranche shall be treated as a fresh application and the full process of due diligence shall be repeated.

6. In the event that a shareholder, who receives additional shares issued by the FPC against Equity Grant sanctioned by the Implementing Agency, exits the FPC at any point after receiving the shares, the additional shares received by him/her in lieu of the Equity Grant and standing in his/her name must be transferred to another shareholder or new shareholder within 90 days of his/her exiting the FPC, through an open and transparent draw of lots. In such cases, the original shareholder cannot receive the value of the additional shares transferred to other/ new members.

7. SFAC shall have the right to recall the Equity Grant amount from the FPC ,which shall be legally liable to comply with the same in the case of:

a). Failure to issue additional shares to members against the Equity Grant received by the FPC within 45 days of its receipt, and

b). Closure/Dissolution of FPC within three years of the receipt of the Equity Grant.

c). Instances of misuse / misappropriation of the Equity Grant (viz. use of funds for activity other than mentioned in Memorandum of Association/Articles of Association/ Business plan of the FPC) of the Equity Grant

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